Bank Identifier Code (BIC)

Customers have to quote the BIC of the beneficiary bank into the Bank Address Field *. Please do not include the preface "BIC" or any spaces between the characters, e.g. MIDLGB22123.

Example of BIC:

* Bank Address Field
Please input bank address at the first and second line of the field and BIC code at the third line. Simply press "Enter" to go to the next line.

Example of data input:

The BIC code is required to input at the third line even if no bank address would be provided.

Example of data input:

International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

Customers have to quote the IBAN of the beneficiary account into the account number field. Please do not include the preface "IBAN" or any spaces between the characters, e.g. GB15MIDL40051512345678.

Example of IBAN:

More examples of European IBANs in electronic format: